General English course

En LenguasAbroad hemos creado este Curso de inglés general adaptados por niveles en grupos homogéneos.
Tenemos grupos from the most basic level of English (A1) to the most advanced ones (C1).
- Trabajamos todas las destrezas del idioma.
- Clases totalmente prácticas y dinámicas.
- Classes hold a maximum of 8 students and a minimum of 2.
Classrooms with the latest technology
Our classes are equipped with the latest technology, interactive boards, computers, wifi connection, etc.
Native teachers
You will always be surrounded by the best teachers and the classes are 100% personalised.
Small groups
Few students per group is the only way to achieve comprehensive learning
Groups and Timetables
Cursos 2 días por semana, divididas en clases de 1 hora cada día, viernes 1.5 horas o sábados por la mañana 1.5 horas o 3 horas.
Courses are available from Monday to Friday (10:00 - 14:00) (16:30 - 20:30) and Saturdays (10:00 - 14:00).
Your English academy very close to you
LenguasAbroad dispone actualmente de dos academias: Algete y San Sebastián de los Reyes.